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전통 한의학의 현대화, 세계화를 추구하는​한의과 대학

본문 시작


  • 공경환 교수 사진
    공경환 (Kong, Kyung-Hwan) 교수
    • 소속 한의과대학   한의학과  
    • 연구실
    • 전화번호 043-841-1732
    • 이메일 kong124@hanmail.net
    • 담당과목 비계내과학 비계내과학 임상실습


한의학 박사(상지대학교 대학원)
한방내과 전문의
세명대학교 충주 한방병원 내과 진료과장
세명대학교 충주 한방병원 진료부장


내과(한의학, 비계내과)
기능성 위장장애


- The effects of a traditional Korean medical stroke prevention education program on the awareness of stroke in elderly Koreans 2014 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE
- Comparative effects of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa stimulating Zhongwan (CV 12) on body temperature in healthy participants: a cross-over single-blind randomized study 2015 JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE
- A Study for Usage Patterns and Recognition toward Korean Medicine in Korea High School Students 2016 Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
- A Case Report of Injury of Other Nerves at the Wrist and Hand Level After Repetitive Work 2016 J. Int. Korean Med
- A Comparative Study between Urban and Rural Area Stroke Patients Admitted to Korean Medical Hospitals 2016 J. Int. Korean Med
- A Case Report of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Dysphagia Caused by Ingestion of Detergent 2016 J. Int. Korean Med
- A Case Report of Adrenal Insufficiency Treated with Korean Medicine 2017 J. Int. Korean Med
- A Case Report of Suggested Liver Dysfunction by Atorvastatin Treated with Saenggangeonbi-tang 2017 J. Int. Korean Med
- Korean Medicine Interventions for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies Published in Korea 2017 J. Int. Korean Med
- Study of Efficacy and Safety of Ginseng Seed Oil in Heathy Subjects Who Have Mild Liver Dysfunction :A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study 2018 J Korean Med
- A Study of Clinical Characteristics of Female Patients with Cold Hypersensitivity on Hands and Feet 2018 J Korean Med
- SystemicReview andMeta-analysisoftheEffectofAcupuncture for Migraine Prophylaxis 2019 J. Int. Korean Med
- A Case Report of Treatment of Numbness Associated with Contrast Medium Injection using Modified Samul-tang 2019 J. Int. Korean Med
- Case Study of a CerebellarInfarction Patient Diagnosed as Dam Hun with Korean Medicine treatment-Cheonghunhwadam-tang-2020 J. Int. Korean Med
- A Case of a Functional Dyspepsia Patient Diagnosed with WaterReversalSyndrome Treated with Oryeong-san 2020 J. Int. Korean Med
- A Case Report of a Patient with Diplopia and Ataxia Diagnosed as Claude's Syndrome Treated with Korean Medicine 2021 J. Int. Korean Med


개인생성건강데이터의 소화불량 적용 임상 평가 2019 한의학 연구원(책임 연구원)


- 식품의약품 안전처 중앙약사심의원회 전문가 위원
- 대한한방내과학회 이사(보험이사)
- 건강보험 심사평가원 자동차 보험 TF 위원
- 국민건강 보험공단 충주시 노인장기요양보험 등급판정위원


  • 담당부서 : 한의과대학
  • 담당자 : 황성민
  • 연락처 : 043-649-1701
  • 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26
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